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Our Partnerships

NSI realizes that to be successful, it must engage industry leaders in timber, milling, kiln operations, logistics, and other operational disciplines.  Added to the operational side is a strong group of business, governmental and financial experts who believe in and support the mission of NSI and the Nicaraguan people.


Please visit the sites of our partners and support them if you have a need.

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Wood-Mizer is the world’s largest manufacturer of portable band saw mills having sold more than 60,000 units worldwide. The company, headquartered in Indianapolis, has multiple locations to serve customers in the United States and Canada, and dealers throughout the world. Nicaraguan clients are serviced through their office in Managua, Nicaragua.  Wood-Mizer’s product line is not just limited to portable sawmills. By listening to the needs of customers, Wood-Mizer makes and sells industrial mills, blades, material handling equipment, edgers, re-saws, and kilns.  In 2004, both of the company founders sold their stock to the employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), which is a qualified trust that benefits the retirement of the Wood-Mizer employees.  Wood-Mizer is now owned by the employees, meaning that each employee at Wood-Mizer has a personal stake in the work he or she does.


Since 1977, Nyle Systems, Inc. has been designing and building kiln systems for use in timber operation as all over the globe.  Thousands of Nyle systems are used around the world drying hundreds of species of lumber for use in every conceivable way that lumber is used.  In the process, Nyle Systems has developed a great depth of knowledge about drying and treating lumber.  Nyle is most famous for the ground breaking Dehumidification Dry Kiln Systems. Nyle built and patented the first dehumidification systems that allowed kilns to operate at temperatures comparable to conventional kilns. This was a breakthrough and Nyle became the world leader in dehumidification drying, the most economical and energy efficient drying method for most drying applications.

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American Wood Resources (AWR) has more than sixty combined years of experience in forestry and timberland management.  With extensive timber experience in the Southeastern United States, Eugene Moss has “boots on the ground” experience of the conditions and environment in Nicaragua.  Also a part of the American Wood Resources management team, Mike Linn, General Manager at AWR, will provide logistical biomass processing and forest management experience to the project in the development of this sustainable forestry operation.  AWR will also assist in identifying and qualifying expatriate personnel to initially operate and train the indigenous personnel in all aspects of the cutting and forestry management operations.


These strategic alliances with timber industry professionals will ensure the success of this timber harvesting project.  The operation will be modeled to create a sustainable logging operation to ensure continued viability of the region’s timber resources.  The life span of the first cut of the contracted forest area is approximately seventeen years.  This will allow the forest to re-generate the growth of mature new trees for future harvesting.  This large scale operation and exotic wood type will allow the project to endure market fluctuations that negatively impact smaller operations while continuing to focus on the sustainability aspect of our mission.

Louis Hamilton - Managing Director, Centrex Strategies, LLC

Centrex Strategies, LLC

For more than a quarter century, Hamilton has been a key adviser and consultant to numerous businesses, government leaders and agencies, and not-for-profit institutions, providing counsel to them in the areas of political, regulatory and strategic issue management.  Internationally, Hamilton's experience includes participation as a member of an international oversight team for the 1990 national elections in El Salvador, numerous tourism and travel related interactions with the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, and government affairs activities in those countries and the European Community.


He has facilitated and led two trade missions to the People's Republic of China to promote the interests of companies such as Anheuser-Busch and Emerson.

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NSI is very fortunate to have developed an association with Veritas Assurance Partners (VAP, or Veritas) to help provide accurate information, intelligence and guidance in governmental, regulatory and business relationships both in Nicaragua and in the United States.  Leading the Veritas efforts are Billy Marlin and Manuel “Manny” Supervielle.  Billy is a founding partner and the leader of the Business Intelligence, Investigations and Internal Controls practice areas. He has over twenty years of combined domestic and international experience in law enforcement, private investigations, commercial intelligence, auditing, banking and forensic accounting in both the private and public sectors. During his private sector career, Mr. Marlin has managed hundreds of investigative, intelligence and litigation support consulting projects in the United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia.  These matters have encompassed several industries and have comprised numerous business intelligence and due diligence projects, litigation support matters, fraud investigations, asset searches, employee misconduct inquiries, insurance dispute investigations and money laundering investigations.


Manuel “Manny” Supervielle is also a founding partner and is the product leader for Intelligence & Strategic Planning in Conflict Zones and U.S. Government Agencies and Inter-agency Process product lines. He provides business advisory services to governments and multi-national enterprises operating around the world, especially in Latin American and countries experiencing instability and armed conflict. He has extensive knowledge and expertise with U.S. federal government regulatory and geopolitical security matters. Specifically, Mr. Supervielle has expertise in litigation and complex foreign investigations especially involving ethics and fraud allegations; international law and negotiations; and strategic planning, which encompasses decision analysis and resolution, change management, facilitation, and project management. Mr. Supervielle has represented the U.S. government in over forty nations around the globe. Cuban born, he is fluent in Spanish.

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New Sunrise, Inc.

New Sunrise, Inc.

438 E Carl Albert Pkwy,

McAlester, OK 74501

Office 918.423.4000

Fax 918.423.4001


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