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Land Demarcation and Cadastre GeoMarking

While there has been significant international attention to the Western Pacific area of Nicaragua with land demarcation and titling, the Caribbean still lags significantly behind in geomarking and proper demarcation.


Given its critical position as a source of identity, wealth, and power, land is often at the center of violent conflicts.  Strengthening land rights is central to ending extreme poverty and promoting resilient societies. Clear, secure land rights create incentives that enhance food security, economic growth, and sustainable development.


Resolving land disputes can help reduce tension, create stability, and set the stage for productive investments and growth and have a powerful impact on all members of society, especially women.


According to USAID, 50% of forests in the developing world have insecure tenure, which is often a key driver of deforestation, and 70% of land in developing countries is unregistered, leaving residents more vulnerable to displacement as is evident in some areas in the RACCN and RACCS.


As a natural extension of the timber permitting process required under INAFOR, NSI intends to include geo-parcel identification, demarcation, rights verification, and registration of property under our agreements.  This added process will relate the rights of landholders (as conveyed in law) to their physical land parcels and property to enhance and realize tenure security.

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New Sunrise, Inc.

New Sunrise, Inc.

438 E Carl Albert Pkwy,

McAlester, OK 74501

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